Tuesday, October 30, 2012


(photo taken by Vikki Kourbelis Photography)

In three more sleeps, my gorgeous baby girl will be entering the world of double numbers ~ she's turning ten. Amidst the excitement of the upcoming disco party, are my thoughts of utter disbelief that I have been a mummy for ten years. How can that be?

For those of you who have followed my blogs, you will know how proud I am of my girl. She is amazing. I constantly tell her that she has it all ~ she is beautiful (inside and out), intelligent and she just has that something more. Her wit and her humour are far beyond her years ~ they always have been ~ and she has a sense of awareness that cannot be taught. Coupled with that is her extraordinary ability to learn. She is a sponge and academically, she is very gifted. (for the want of a better word).  She is so lucky and I am even luckier to be her mum.

In her role as a big sister, Kara couldn't do any better. She absolutely adores Madison and Imogen and my fears of how she would cope with our family doubling in size were not needed. She loves them and she makes sure they know it. In return, they already look up to 'Rara' and I love how all three of them make one another smile. They are all so close.

Kara changed my world. She gave me a purpose in life that I didn't know I needed until it arrived. I loved her unconditionally from the moment I found out she existed and I promised her, no matter what, that I would always love her and be there for her. She's made that promise easy to keep.

To my princess, I often tell you that you have no idea how much I love you. I tell you that because it's true. You simply amaze me. You make me smile every.single.day. You make me proud and you truly are a dream come true. I love our time together and watching you grow into the beautiful person that you are is an absolute honour.

Thank you for choosing me as your Mummy gorgeous girl.

Sunday, September 30, 2012


Well, I cannot believe it has been 10 months since I last blogged. There are a few reasons for this ~ first and foremost I have limited time!!! Secondly, the last time I attempted to blog, something was going wrong with uploading photos and so the post was never published. Then, for the past few months, I couldn't for the life of me work out why I couldn't sign in. Then, about 5 minutes ago, I recalled that my sign-in email is one which has been inactive for about 5 years.... clever hey :P

So, I've just had a look through my most recent few posts and oh my... my babies (all three of them) have grown SO much. Kara is approaching her 10th birthday and Madison and Imogen are turning two in December. Two... I cannot believe that. Whilst the first 12 months of their lives seemed to last for an eternity lol, the past 10 months have flown by. They are just gorgeous and I want time (most days) to slow a little. I'm constantly exhausted because Imogen is a little pocket rocket but they are such clever little things and so beauty-full. I'm sure their big sister has something to do with that ~ their adoration for one another is something I marvel at whenever they're together.

Apart from playing Mum, I've also started {finally} to make my children's clothing. It's a slow process.... I find that I'm ready to flop onto the couch once the little girls are in bed and when Kara is home, we have our few hours together most nights. It doesn't leave a lot of time for sewing and creating. Baby steps. I am having my first Facebook Market night in a couple of weeks (if all goes to plan...) ~ I'm not where I'd like to be with production levels due to a computer melt-down and a sick sewing machine. Limiting steps I just didn't need at the moment! If you'd like to take a look at some of what I make, head on over to my page :) {https://www.facebook.com/pages/Three-Earth-Angels/196995623699628?ref=hl}

I really am going to make an effort to blog more... I do love looking back on older posts and reflecting on how things were. It also gives me a bit of time to stop and breathe and to think about what there has been during the day to appreciate.

Looking forward to catching up with my blogger friends xx

Kara ~ 9 years, 11 months. I am so very proud of this little girl ~ she excels at everything she does 

Imogen ~ 21 months and cheeky as cheeky can be. 

Madison ~ 21 months and such a Mummy's girl. My little munchkin.