Sunday, June 19, 2011

She Amazes Me

It's been, perhaps, the most challenging week for me as a mum of three girls. Not because the babies have been difficult (or Kara lol) but because I've been unwell and it adds a whole new level of difficulty!!! My throat has felt like it has razor blades in it and of an evening, my neck swells and it hurts to the touch ~ it's driving me insaaaane. The babies are sleeping so well and now I can't sleep :(

Unfortunately for Kara, she's had to put up with me lol ~ it's times like this though when I realise just how much of a responsible little girl she is. Yesterday morning, I woke to her sitting next to me with Madi in her arms giving her cuddles. Madi had woken and Kara heard her chatting, so she picked her up before she got upset so I could sleep. NEVER would I expect Kara to do this, or never would I ask... I've been quite clear to Kara from day one that the babies are not her responsibility and I mean that. It would be very easy to fall into a pattern of frequently asking for her help with them and I'm so careful not to go there. She is still a baby herself :P.

One of my biggest concerns when I found out I was carrying twins, was the impact it would have on my girl. She had been a single child for 8 years ~ every spare moment of my time was happily given to Kara and that was about to change drastically. For the past 6 months though, there has not been a single moment whereby she has complained about the munchkins or how our lives have changed. She loves her sisters so very much and to say I'm proud of my girl is a huge understatement.

Madi and Immy are just so very lucky to have their big sister in their lives ~ they love her to bits already and it's so beautiful to watch their bonds grow.

I love you beyond words baby girl (and I DO love you more) ~ you're an amazing little person x

Kara with Immy (above) and Madi (below), Easter Sunday 2011 (April 24th)
V x

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